Corvettes of Temecula Valley

Join us

We welcome you to fill out the following application to join our club.  Or, attend one of our monthly meetings or events to meet our members. We'd be happy to answer any questions you have and tell you more about what we do in COTV!

Online Membership Application

By completing the following membership application, each applicant and/or member 1) agrees to abide by the Corvettes of Temecula Valley (COTV) rules and bylaws, 2) allows their photo and application information to be published in COTV's Membership Roster, 3) certifies they possess and will maintain a valid CA driver's license and CA required automobile insurance on their vehicle(s), 4) hereby releases and discharges COTV from any known or unknown damages, injuries, losses or claims arising in whole or in part as a result of COTV membership or event participation.

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© 2006-2023, All Rights Reserved Corvettes of Temecula Valley, a not-for-profit social club, PO Box 720 Winchester, CA 92596

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